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UWF helped the community stay healthier during the COVID-19 pandemic. 大学 has launched several new degree programs to meet state and regional needs. UWF has also celebrated several monumental gifts to the University. Read more about UWF’s growth and about the new five-year strategic plan the University is following as a blueprint for further success.



3月: 的 American Camellia Society named the UWF Camellia Garden as an 美国茶花小径花园,成为美国57家跨国公司之一.S. 佛罗里达州只有三家.


4月: In response to a shortage of full face shields for healthcare workers at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the University’s direct support organizations manufactured, 管理和分布 3d打印全面罩用品 at its Sea3D Additive Manufacturing Laboratory in downtown Pensacola.


9月: ag娱乐官网宣布了一项研究 匿名的礼物 将音乐系更名为博士. 格里尔·威廉姆斯音乐学院, in memory of the first chair of the music department.


八月: UWF主办了 虚拟的毕业典礼 in response to the State University System of Florida directing all state universities to postpone in-person spring and summer commencement ceremonies due to COVID-19 health guidelines on gatherings.



3月: UWF宣布,它将提供一个新的完全在线 公共卫生学士学位 从2021年秋季开始.


3月: UWF nursing students administer COVID-19 vaccinations and UWF announces 阿尔戈国家疫苗接种日.


6月: UWF领导州 本科毕业生就业率 在佛罗里达州理事会的绩效指标中.


9月: UWF发挥了它的作用 first-ever regular season football game on the UWF 彭萨科拉校园, hosting Southwest Baptist at Pen Air Field on Sept. 11.


9月: 已故的博士. 赫尔曼和瓦莱丽·罗尔夫斯 超过$8的历史性礼物.500万年 创造了博士. 格里尔·威廉姆斯音乐学院. 的ir gift will provide significant scholarships and resources for music students annually.


Sandy Sansing运动医学中心

1月: UWF宣布 捐款承诺超过60万美元 from Sandy Sansing to support the Sandy Sansing Need-Based Student-Athlete Scholarship and expand the Darrell Gooden Center to include a new Sports Medicine Center.


6月: UWF是第一个. 1 in the Florida State University System for Metric 1 of the Florida Board of Governors’ 2021-22 performance-based funding model.


7月: UWF宣布它将提供一个新的 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in Human 资源 Management 从2022年秋季开始.


7月:教育学院, in the College of Education and Professional Studies, launched on July 1 and replaces two former CEPS departments, 教育研究与管理, 教师教育与教育领导.


9月: For the first time in program history, the UWF Football team will play the entire 2022 home season at the UWF 彭萨科拉校园 at Pen Air Field.


9月: 艾尔斯托克,维特金,克瑞斯 & 奥弗霍兹律师事务所送了2美元.500万美元来命名 UWF AWKO领导力中心 加强其主动性.


9月: 佛罗里达SUS理事会批准了 UWF新的五年战略计划. 的 strategic plan maps out UWF's institutional mission, President's vision and includes seven strategic directions, 到2027年的目标和成功指标.

Dr. Muhammad Harunur Rashid Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

10月: Drs. 穆罕默德和法蒂玛·拉希德 continued a legacy of giving to UWF through a $1 million gift 给博士命名. Muhammad Harunur Rashid Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering. 的 Rashids have six endowments established in the college -- the most established endowments to UWF by a donor.


UWF breaks ground on Sandy Sansing运动医学中心

4月: 大学 broke ground on the Sandy Sansing运动医学中心, a $6 million facility dedicated to enhancing the quality of care for all UWF student-athletes. 10,000-square-foot center will be an addition to the Darrell Gooden Center on UWF’s Pensacola campus.

UWF reaches milestone with record number of first-year and graduate applications

6月: UWF收到了 record-breaking number of First-Time-In-College and graduate school applications 2023年夏季和秋季学期. 这是学校历史上第一次, 第一年的申请人数超过了10人,000 mark and graduate school applications increased to more than 6,400. 的 record comes amid a nationwide trend of higher education institutions struggling to regain pre-pandemic enrollment numbers.

网络安全中心2美元.500万年 grant from the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Program

八月: 网络安全中心收到了一份 $2.500万年 grant from the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Program at the National Security Agency to expand the National Cybersecurity Workforce Development program, CyberSkills2Work. CyberSkills2Work was also mentioned in the White House’s cybersecurity strategy.

儿童发展教育研究中心1美元.600万美元,为期四年.S. 教育部

八月: UWF’s Educational Research Center for Child Development received a $1.600万美元,为期四年.S. 教育部 to assist Pell-eligible and Pell-recipient student-parents with the costs of childcare. This is the largest grant the University has been awarded to offset childcare costs for students. 除了确保拨款, the ERCCD also accomplished the near-impossible feat of a perfect review panel.

Collaboration with Farcast on an innovative research program

10月: 香港大学宣布 collaboration with Farcast on an innovative research program to make cancer treatment more predictable for patients. Studies and research conducted in the program will aid the development of therapeutics, diagnostics or other treatment modalities for precision cancer medicine.

Launched the Leidos Cybersecurity Infrastructure Lab in collaboration with Leidos

10月: UWF and Leidos, a Fortune 500® science and technology leader, have launched the Leidos Cybersecurity Infrastructure Lab in UWF’s Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering. 的 new lab is purpose-built to provide students with hands-on cybersecurity education in realistic digital environments.


12月: UWF正式达到了一个重要的里程碑 毕业生超过10万人 during the Fall 2023 Commencement on Saturday, December 9, at the Pensacola Bay Center. 自1968年第一届毕业典礼以来, UWF已授予超过121个学位,000年学士, 硕士和博士学位.